Rabu, 25 September 2019

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Hi everyone!!!
     First of all, let me introduce my self. My name is Wildan Musthofa. You can call me ‘ Wildan ’. I was born in Sukoharjo on July 23rd. My hobby is play games when free time, and my favorite movie is the theme of comedy. Currently, i live in Karawang with my friend. Here’s my daily activity.
     I usually wake up every morning at 5:30 a.m. except for the weekends, after waking up I prepare to pray then I take a shower after that I go out to look for breakfast, and after finishing breakfast I check my cellphone, after that i heated up the motorcycle then i prepared to go to campus after that i went to campus with my friend on a motorcycle.
     Arriving on campus I entered the room and studied, after studying was over and I left my room to go to the parking lot to get my motorbike, then I went to WARTEG to have lunch there with my friends, after that I went home.
     After arriving at the rented house I run the prayer, after that I usually play games if there are no tasks, and if there are tasks I do it first. If it's evening, I take a shower, then play games when I have free time, and when night falls I pray. Then I went out to dinner, after that I prepared to sleep.
     That’s about that me and my daily activity, that is all and thank you. Wassalamualikum Wr.Wb.

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